Thursday, August 19, 2010

Some Meditations on My Current Course...

In his heart a man plans his course,
But the Lord determines his steps.
--Proverbs 16:9

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan
that can succeed against the Lord.
--Proverbs 21:30

Many are the plans in a man's heart,
But it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.
--Proverbs 19:21

All a man's ways seem right to him,
But the Lord weighs the heart.
--Proverbs 21:2

The Lord works out everything for his own ends
--Proverbs 16:4a

God... I am beginning to see where my energies are being spent. I'm beginning to realize that my tiredness, my exhaustion, both mentally and emotionally, are coming from one source. In only a span of 5 chapters of Proverbs, Solomon repeatedly emphasizes just how futile planning and preparing can be. In the end, I can sharpen my metaphorical sword and train my metaphorical body into rock-hard abs and beastly biceps and whatnot, but in the end, all that energy is wasted if not in you. The first and fourth verses, in particular, combined have a very dire implication: my definition of right plans is simply a distortion that discloses my wickedness. "Holy" ambitions, and "good" intentions... maybe they're not what they describe.

God, teach me to measure my heart not by my sinful nature but by Your standards. Teach me to discern where my energies are wasted, and not simply wasted, but opposed to Your plans. Teach me to discern Your purpose, and to have the strength of faith to let go when I find my original plans are inconsistent with Yours. In the end, may You be glorified. In the end, may You be lifted up in my life. And in the end, may my heart sing that You are good and the Lord of my heart.

Increase my hunger for joy in You. May the satisfaction you receive be my sustenance. May I be teachable in times of growth and molding. May I be meek and humble, may I be reflective and repentant. God...

The joy of the Lord is my strength.
--Neh. 8:10

All things came into being through Him,
and apart from Him
nothing came into being
that has come into being.
--John 1:3

I thought this might be funny... for those of you who've noticed the increasing number of white hairs I've been getting these days...

Gray hair is a crown of splendor;
It is attained by a righteous life.
--Proverbs 16:31

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

the luxuries of a private ranting journal... =D

Pet Peeve of the YEAR!!!
- the MISUSE of the word "I", such as when used as an object

Facebook is littered with pictures and i hear people all over the place making this mistake. So one may ask why I post it on a "relatively" private blog, instead of on a facebook note or something...
Truth be told, I don't know why. I think it may have to do with being concerned that pet peeves inevitably carry with it irritation, and that's never pleasant. But I would like a place to vent this out. So, here it goes:

The word "I" was, is, and will always be... a SUBJECT NOUN!
When people write captions on facebook photos or talk about things they did with another individual, they often write, "this person and I." So what's the big deal? This is a gross misuse of the subject "I," because in writing these photo captions, the implied intent is... "(this is a picture of) john and ME," or "(this is a picture of) jane and ME"

Why is the use of "I" wrong in this case? Because the noun is not followed by any action. Instead, the picture is OF people, OF OBJECTS!! Therefore, the OBJECTIVE noun must be used.

Grammar review: But people say things like... "He is faster than I" and isn't that correct?
Yes!! It is. But that's because there is an implied verb at the end: "He is faster than I (am)."

Maybe certain people don't realize when they misuse the subjective and objective nouns of "Me" and "I." Here are a few examples I can think of:
* Previously mentioned photo captions: "John and I at Mount Rushmore" (no action)
* "John got this for Jane and I" (object/recipient of action)
* "The secret is between you and I" (object)

Here is a link to further clarify: